Pullover and skirt motifs
Pullover and skirt motifs
Suit: top and skirt
Suit: top and skirt
Pullover with four motifs
Абсолютно различные узоры соединены в одном изделии в стиле «пэчворк». Результат — красивый летний пуловер плюс хорошее настроение
Cardigan with lace elements “Amethyst”
Cardigan with lace elements “Amethyst”
Pullover "Maple leaves"
Crochet autumn maple leaves. You are probably already familiar with knitting patterns for maple leaves? And for me they are autumn. This real effect of fallen autumn leaves is created by the yarn used for knitting - section-dyed yarn.
Ажурный розовый пуловер-реглан
Привлекательный узор этого маленького пуловера реглан выглядит как настоящее искусное кружево
Crochet cardigan with zigzag pattern
An elongated cardigan looks very expressive thanks to
black zigzag stripes connecting into large
rhombuses on a light background. Dense wool structure
makes this model very warm
Long lilac jacket
This stunning long jacket is not only eye-catching with its rich purple color, but also with its stunning lace design and wide garter stitch placket.
Blue cardigan with motifs
And again squares! This time in color and on a denim background. This jacket is sure to become a favorite in your spring wardrobe.
Jacket with frills
The jacket, completely knitted in a pattern with alternating single crochets and double crochets, is trimmed along the edges with a dense frill made on knitting needles.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с деликатной кружевной отделкой
Красной нитью в этом пуловере с деликатной кружевной отделкой и манжетами из «кос» проходит тема женственности.
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Пальто из букле связанное в разных направлениях Galv
Пальто, связанное спицами в разных направлениях- это то, что привнесет в ваш гардероб нотку дерзости. Необычная вариация на тему букле, которая придется по душе любительницам вязания вещей на все времена.
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