Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 2.
Fillet napkins captivate with their patterns of light and shadow, consisting of empty and dense cells. The shape of the fillet napkin can be any - square, round, in the form of a long path, oval or curly.
Openwork cardigan
Beautiful knitted clothes will help create a festive feeling on any day. An unusually feminine, delicate cardigan is crocheted with a twig pattern.
Two-tone jacket
White and beige warm jacket with a decorative fastener.
Napkins with fillet knitting. Part 1.
Napkins knitted using the fillet knitting technique are so fabulously beautiful and will not leave anyone indifferent.
Elegant: crochet blouse and skirt
Lilac set: blouse. skirt. Summer set of hexagonal motifs
Openwork skirt
The skirt has a bell shape and is secured at the waist with an elastic band. The lining or petticoat can be made of fabric in a contrasting color - a typical technique for the mori style.
Кайма — 52 образца
A selection of crochet border patterns in Bordados Modernos magazine - 52 crochet border patterns.
Свитер «Солнечный»
Свитер «Солнечный»
Double-breasted cardigan with shawl collar
Двубортный кардиган «Городской мотив» связан крючком фантазийным узором.
Кайма — 100 образцов
100 crochet border patterns. Width 2-5cm.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер реглан свободного силуэта и широкий шарф
Сплошной комфорт: связанный сверху вниз по кругу свободный пуловер подойдет всем, кто ценит уют, ведь здесь используется очень мягкая нить, скрученная в виде цепочки.
Джемпер «Дымка»
Кардиган «Осколки»
Свободный кардиган из квадратов, как мягкое одеяло, окутает вас теплом и нежностью. Красиво, модно и очень комфортно!
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Lace pullover
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