Openwork pullover Pink charm
A pullover that makes you fall in love at first sight. It would seem “nothing complicated”, there are no elaborate details, but somehow it is incredibly captivating, memorable and you really want to knit and wear it.
Openwork striped cardigan
A versatile option: a long cardigan made from a fancy yarn combining linen and cotton, captivating not only with its patterns, but also with its elegant combination of white and light beige.
Striped jumper
Blue and white striped jumper
Жакет с рукавами «летучая мышь»
Jacket with dolman sleeves made of section-dyed yarn with beautiful color transitions. The decorative strip and at the same time the collar are formed by squares in the patchwork style that are fashionable this season!
Openwork jumper
Очаровательный джемпер связан королевским узором из мохеровой пряжи едва уловимого розового оттенка. Согласитесь, эта модель — само воплощение женственности и романтики.
Burgundy openwork jumper
A classic straight-cut jumper with traditional, simple patterns is an excellent option for every day.
Openwork jacket with ribbed trims
Openwork jacket with ribbed trims
Knitted cardigan with striped pockets
A cozy cardigan with button closure and pockets is crocheted with alternating stripes and only knitted with stripes.
Knitted cardigan from granny squares
This lovely cardigan with button closure and turn-down collar is crocheted in a granny square pattern using alpaca yarn.
Jacket with wrap
Jacket with wrap
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Жакет в полоску и сумка с зубчатым узором
Жакет впечатляет изысканным выбором цветов — они представлены широкими полосами, образующими оригинальный зубчатый узор на спинке и полочках.
Кардиган OYSTER
Пушистая пряжа из шерсти мериноса и альпака–отличная возможностьпридать привлекатель ность любому вязаному изделию. Несмотря на сквозной узор и отсутствие застежки, он хорошо сохраняет тепло и нравится всем без исключения.
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
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