Безотрывное вязание — часть 2
A selection of motifs and step-by-step diagrams for connecting motifs into a single fabric using continuous crochet technology. Part 2
Long three-color striped cardigan.
In a long cardigan, wine red, curry and pink rhythmically alternate to create vibrant stripes of the main crochet pattern. The completeness of the model is given by plain stripes, solidly knitted with a shawl collar on knitting needles.
Three-color cardigan with an openwork pattern.
A loose straight-fit cardigan is made of comfortable yarn with viscose and linen threads. Against the background of the fabric knitted with single crochets, the openwork pattern stands out effectively.
Cardigan "Bohemia"
A new twist on the popular knitted item. This time, squares of different sizes and colors decorate a fashionable loose-fitting cardigan.
Безотрывное вязание — часть 1
A selection of motifs and step-by-step diagrams for connecting motifs into a single fabric using continuous crochet technology. Part 1
Warm cardigan and crochet scarf
Warm cardigan and crochet scarf
Жакет из «БАБУШКИНЫХ» квадратов в пастельных тонах
Жакет из «БАБУШКИНЫХ» квадратов в пастельных тонах
Feminine kimono cardigan with an airy pattern.
A cardigan with a fashionable and comfortable kimono sleeve, knitted with a beautiful pattern, looks great in a soft pastel color.
Pullover “Breath of the Wind”
Openwork diamonds and bumps formed the basis of a stylish loose-fitting pullover.
Master Class – Red dress made of delightful motifs
Any crocheted dress is original and beautiful. A woman in such a masterpiece will definitely stand out from the crowd.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жакет в полоску и сумка с зубчатым узором
Жакет впечатляет изысканным выбором цветов — они представлены широкими полосами, образующими оригинальный зубчатый узор на спинке и полочках.
Кардиган OYSTER
Пушистая пряжа из шерсти мериноса и альпака–отличная возможностьпридать привлекатель ность любому вязаному изделию. Несмотря на сквозной узор и отсутствие застежки, он хорошо сохраняет тепло и нравится всем без исключения.
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
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