Openwork jacket with shawl collar
Swing jacket with short sleeves and a solid knitted shawl collar. Its design is based on the contrast of two patterns: pearl and dropped loops.
Short square top
Airy lightness is a distinctive feature of a short top with a square silhouette made of mixed yarn with a predominance of cotton. The inclusion of lurex threads allows this model, made with a fancy openwork pattern, to appear in all its splendor.
Summer jumper with embossed diamonds
Olive yellow jumper with dolman sleeves and a striking ribbed pattern, knitted with 100% linen needles.
Sleeveless openwork pullover
Sleeveless openwork pullover
Elegant crochet suit
Summer pale pink suit - crocheted with a pineapple pattern.
Short sleeve blouse
Short sleeve blouse
Summer jumper with scallops
Summer jumper with scallops
Patterned khaki pullover
Women's raglan sweater with round yoke
Blouse with peplum
Summer openwork blouse with peplum crochet
White blouse with leaves
White blouse with leaves
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер реглан с ажурными «косами»
Красивая огранка: связанный сверху вниз пуловер впечатляет продуманным дизайном. Узкие ажурные «косы», подчёркивающие линии реглана, проходят спереди по диагонали и заканчиваются у нижней планки. Все это визуально улучшает пропорции фигуры.
Свитер унисекс
Пуловер с приспущенными проймами
Радужные краски и цветочные принты напоминают, что весна аконец-то вступила в свои права! И этот пуловер с деликатным ажурным узором добавит солнечного сияния модному образу.
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