Floral dress
Knitting a dress from charming floral motifs means giving yourself a magnificent thing that will delight you for a long time, since it is out of fashion.
Orange long sleeve dress
The airy dress is knitted with motifs, pineapples and a fantasy pattern. The dress is made with long sleeves in crochet.
Elegant knitted top
Elegant knitted top
Cotton pullover with dolman sleeves
В данной модели рукава «летучая мышь» выполняются одновременно со спинкой и передом, а прозрачная структура пуловера с ажурными «листьями» и сквозными дорожками не только притягивает взгляды, но и позволяет телу дышать. В таком пуловере вы всегда будете выглядеть эффектно.
Beige dress with short sleeves
In this stunning dress you will be the most feminine and sexy: you are guaranteed admiring glances of the opposite sex.
Knitted purple dress
Женственное фиолетовое платье с короткими рукавами и узорами «шишечки».
Tunic “Inspiration”
The tunic is crocheted using the fillet technique, a translucent floral pattern adorns the front, and the flowing hem of the tunic makes it airy.
Raspberry dress with square motifs
Summer crocheted dress is made of raspberry cotton yarn.
«100 аранов» японский журнал. Часть 2.
All kinds of braids and plaits look very beautiful in knitted products. The methodical Japanese have collected many such patterns in the book below. Can be used in sweaters, vests, jackets, and scarves.
Dress "Reflection"
Платье « Отражение» по мотивам шетландских узоров спицами от €LEN@
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Knitted pullover with a mix of patterns
Вязаный пуловер с миксом узоров: игра с ажуром, сквозными дорожками и лицевой гладью. В итоге вы получите вещь, которую не купишь ни в одном магазине.
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