Филейное платье «Мальва»
Fillet crochet is a very delicate and long-lasting work. However, products made using this technique are incredibly beautiful and elegant. Flowers look gorgeous in different colors.
Платье крючком — Цветная диагональ
Bright stripes in a harmonious row of colors weave our outfit.
Филейное платье «Оранжевые лилии»
Fillet crochet is a very delicate and long-lasting work. However, products made using this technique are incredibly beautiful and elegant. Flowers look gorgeous in different colors.
Dress "Pineapple Square"
A knitted dress is associated with something refined, expensive, graceful and unusual. I suggest knitting a dress using the Pineapple pattern.
Openwork yellow tunic with V-neck
A tunic with openwork stripes and a floral motif on the front will make you feel completely relaxed.
Платье с «косами»
Цепная реакция: облегающее фигуру платье с закрученными краями превращает вязание в настоящее удовольствие!
Shetland mohair dress
Shetland knitting, Shetland patterns, Shetland - all these are the names of the recently popular knitting trend, which is based on the famous openwork Shetland patterns.
Mohair dress with Shetland pattern
Shetland knitting, Shetland patterns. Shetland - all these are the names of a recently popular knitting trend, which is based on the famous openwork Shetland patterns.
Evening dress with sleeves
Череда праздников уже не за горами, нас ждут чудесные выступления детей на утренниках в детских садах, мероприятия в театрах и выставках, корпоративы на работе и масса других ярких событий. Всегда хочется одеть что-нибудь такое, чтобы выглядеть интересно, красиво, элегантно и при этом не вычурно.
Summer sundress Sea foam
The Sea Foam sundress is the perfect outfit for summer.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Модель прямого силуэта из мягкого биохлопка, с контрастными полосами разной ширины подчеркнет все достоинства вашей фигуры и вяжется очень просто!
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Дизайнерский женский джемпер Linwood с узором из листьев.
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