Summer set: top, skirt and sleeves
The festive summer set looks especially elegant thanks to the richness of textures and the spectacular design of the back on the top.
Openwork dress “Waltz of the Flowers”
The crowning achievement of any needlewoman’s career can be a crocheted dress using the Irish lace technique. After all, this is the most complex, smoky, labor-intensive knitting technique.
Loin dress "Coral roses"
Fillet knitting is an ancient art that does not lose popularity.
Things knitted using this technique are so elegant in their simplicity and laconism that they are often kept for generations, acquiring a noble vintage look over time.
Stylish gray dress
A flared dress with lacy stripes combines effortless elegance with a touch of casualness. The designer suggests wearing it with jeans and sneakers with thick soles. We do not mind!
Платье «Бабушкин квадрат»
Платье по фигуре связано из бабушкиных квадратов четырех ярких оттенков. Обвязка элементов выполнена нитью черного цвета, что придает модели дополнительный шик.
Dress like Kylie Minogue
An elegant dress that flatters your figure. A romantic openwork yoke adds tenderness to a seemingly simple model. The waistline is emphasized with a thin belt.
Платье с карманами ILSEBILL
Нежно-голубое платье, модное и повседневное одновременно. Оно притягивает взгляд роскошным центральным мотивом и связанными широкой полупатентной резинкой рукавами и карманами.
Openwork tunic
A knee-length crocheted tunic is a godsend for the most advanced fashionistas. Paired with high boots and skinny jeans, it will create a lot of interesting looks!
Платье «веерами»
Песочное платье крючком связано узором «веера».
Dress “Leaving Autumn” in fillet technique
Dress “Leaving Autumn” in the fillet technique from Valentina Dyachenko. A detailed master class in photographs.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Удобный пуловер оверсайз хорош не только ромбами и «косами». У него практичный воротник гольф, дополненный отдельным шарфом-снудом, который гарантирует еще больше тепла
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