White blouse with ruffles
White blouse with ruffles
Elegant jumper
Elegant jumper with decorative stripes and zigzag hem
Jumper Blue Spring
Свитер DROPS с ажурным узором, рукавом реглан и застежкой на спине, пряжей «Cotton Light». Можно повернуть и носить как жакет. Размер: 5- XXXL.
Openwork pullover with V-neck
Openwork pullover with V-neck
Джемпер «Прилив»
Джемпер «Прилив» с ажурными ромбиками и небольшим рюшем, который располагается по кокетке и на рукавах в три четверти перед планкой.
Jumper with openwork yoke
The front surface of this jumper successfully contrasts with the translucent yoke made of openwork diamonds. The wide neckline adds piquancy to the model.
Openwork jumper
The jumper is knitted from cotton. Its peculiarity is the floral and floral elements that decorate the triangular insert and sleeves of the product. The jumper itself is knitted with a very simple pattern. The binding of the hem and sleeves also looks very beautiful.
Pyramids jumper
Pullover with a round yoke and a Scandinavian pattern made from DROPS Nepal or Alaska yarn
Knitted blouse Sally
Soft and light, like a spring cloud, Sally knitted blouse. The delicate openwork pattern on the neckline is one of the simplest, but it always looks elegant and feminine.
Beautiful openwork jumper
Beautiful openwork jumper from Kim Hargreaves
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Jacket with a pattern of removed loops
Повседневный жакет без застежки акцентирует внимание на области плеч и рукавах, украшенных двухцветным узором из снятых петель. Остальные части вяжутся обычной лицевой гладью, так что элегантная новинка будет готова довольно быстро.
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