Poncho “Sea of flowers in misty colors”
The basis for this rectangular poncho is a single rosette, which is knitted in whole or in part. At the end, large and small rosettes are connected and framed with a decorative border.
Floral mohair blouse
A mohair blouse not only looks airy, like a cobweb, but is also made using unusual motifs with multi-colored flowers.
Cardigan with wide sleeves
The interesting openwork pattern and attractive design of this cardigan will not go unnoticed by others. The model is assembled from motifs, so it is convenient to work on it even on the road.
Pullover and skirt motifs
Pullover and skirt motifs
Pullover "Maple leaves"
Crochet autumn maple leaves. You are probably already familiar with knitting patterns for maple leaves? And for me they are autumn. This real effect of fallen autumn leaves is created by the yarn used for knitting - section-dyed yarn.
Jacket “Classics of the genre”
Вещи связанные в технике квадратов крючком получаются яркими, неординарными и запоминающимися.
Pullover made from section-dyed yarn
Интересная модель обращает на себя внимание благодаря использованию нетрадиционной пряжи для ирландской техники — мохера секционного крашения,
Openwork oversized coat
В главной роли — всем известный «бабушкин квадрат». Именно он взят за основу нашего пальто, исключительный характер которого также обусловлен пряжей из тончайшей мериносовой шерсти
Elegant dress made of round motifs
Elegant dress made of round motifs.
A collection of interesting and original napkins. Part 2.
A collection of interesting and original napkins. Each project is accompanied by a detailed description, clear diagrams and patterns, which will certainly help you knit the model you like.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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