White tunic with diamonds
На летнем отдыхе белый вне конкуренции! Еще одна красивая туника связана «дырявым» узором, декорирована широкой полосой с ромбами и короткой бахромой.
Skirt "Lada"
Incredibly beautiful crochet skirt that reaches almost to the floor
White skirt "Greek motifs"
In spring, wear this skirt with a leather biker jacket or denim jacket. Contrasting styles are still trendy! In the hot summer, combine a skirt with tops and blouses.
Костюм с «ананасами»
An elegant openwork cotton crocheted set is simply irreplaceable on a hot summer day.
Openwork pullover
Openwork pullover with short sleeves and a beautiful pattern on the chest
Red crochet suit
Красный костюм — юбка и блузка — связаны крючком известным узором «ананас».Узор старинный, но популярный, не вышедший из моды и сегодня.
Black crochet dress
Elegant and simple black dress. Magical pattern on the skirt and stunning bottom frill!
Summer top
The most suitable and comfortable for hot summers is yarn made from natural fibers.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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