Cropped blue-gray jacket
Simplicity and elegance! A jacket in the style of Coco Chanel in blue shades of the summer sky, with beautiful trims on the bodice and sleeves, will decorate a woman's wardrobe at any time of the year.
Spectacular knitted dress
This spectacular knitted dress is made of two contrasting colors of yarn. The dress charmingly and harmoniously combines an airy openwork pattern of fillet knitting on the sleeves and a dense knitted fabric on the front and back.
Черный сарафан узором «ананасы»
Delightful black sundress with full straps
connected by "pineapples". This summer outfit is perfect
for work, for evening events, and for vacation
Designer crochet skirt
Designer crochet skirt
Dress “Peonies bloom in May”
Flowers and leaves bloomed on the fillet mesh that tied the hem and top of the dress. Its central part is made of an interesting openwork pattern. The model is equally impressive in both white and pink.
Multicolor crochet dress
Dazzling sleeveless summer dress is crocheted.
Multi-colored crochet sundress
It's impossible to get bored here! Knitting a sundress will be fun thanks to the wonderful, harmoniously combined shades and decorative zigzags.
Cardigan Petite Fleur
Crochet summer cardigan with round yoke
Crochet summer jacket
What's summer without white?! – this color must be present in your wardrobe.
Вязание крючком — Розы Макинтоша
Тем, кто хорошо владеет крючком, вполне по плечу связать ажурную тунику или палантин по мастер — классу «Роза Макинтоша».
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Довольно простая в исполнении модель с красивым названием Гардения , но очень нежная и стильная.
Удлиненный пуловер реглан
Лучшее средство в борьбе с зимней хандрой — ярко-красный пуловер, связанный выразительным патентным узором. Декор из «кос», проложенных в виде цепочек поперек плеч, дополнительно подчеркнет женственность этой модели.
Мужской жакет Louis
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