Patterned pullover for stylish men
Men's pullover, this pullover is knitted to the armholes in a single fabric, and the sleeves are tied along the armholes from the shoulders to the cuffs.
Knitted coat with knitting needles diagonally
The coat enchants with its dynamics: the eye glides along the colored stripes of the side triangle, along the vertical stripe, clings to the intricate asymmetrical collar, glides down again...
Book of 1000 patterns. Part 1. Knitting patterns.
Book of 1000 patterns. Part 1. Knitting patterns.
Stunning peplum jumper
An incredibly beautiful product! I found two descriptions, and I’m posting them both, because something useful can be gleaned from both.
Two-color jumper with elongated loop pattern
A striking two-tone pullover made from fine cotton-linen thread and thicker ribbon yarn from cashmere and silk.
The skip stitch pattern gives this jumper a light, dynamic feel.
Orange jumper with braid pattern
A real handmade charm: a bright jumper with a slightly casual cut, decorated with fancy “braids”, is simply irresistible in combination with a romantic, airy dress!
Pullover with boho borders
A boho-style pullover with an arched pattern and crocheted borders seems tailor-made for casual relaxation.
Pullover with openwork pattern
Pullover with openwork pattern
Rectangular openwork pullover
Straight openwork pullover with flared sleeves, beautiful wavy edges and an elegant combination of patterns, knitted from flowing viscose and silk yarn.
Pullover with openwork pattern
A fantasy pattern, made with knitting needles from yarn of a delicate shade, makes the pullover elegant and beautiful. Openwork patterns are good for knitting spring items.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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