Lightweight jumper with slits on the sides and sleeves
This model is perfect for summer: thanks to the flax yarn, it will keep you cool on a hot day, and in the evening it will save you from the fresh breeze.
The originality of this jumper is given by the unusual sleeves, which have slits and seams on the outside, and not on the inside as usual.
Crochet three-color jumper.
Crochet three-color jumper.
Christmas bells. Part 1
If you have never crocheted bells for your Christmas tree, I suggest you crochet a few this year.
Мастер класс — Стильное пальто крючком
The unique development impresses with the simplicity of the individual parts from which the model is assembled, the excellent selection of colors, the thoughtfulness and effectiveness of the decor.
Peruvian pullover
A wide central stripe with black and white jacquard draws attention to the loose, straight-cut pullover. Juicy olive in contrast with black looks incredible!
Lemon Pullover
Lemon Pullover
Master Class – Dress “Green Branches”
One detail is enough for an unforgettable image. For example, dresses with a gorgeous mint green leaf pattern.
Crochet dress
Crocheting dresses from motifs is a very exciting adventure. It's like a puzzle game.
Платье «Парижанка»
Платья от дизайнера Vanessa Montoro невозможно отнести просто к разряду вязаных вещей, кружевные рисунки напоминают об изысканной старине, а современные материалы — нитки из шелка, вискозы, хлопка превращают одежду прошлых веков в модную тенденцию наших дней.
White openwork cardigan
White openwork cardigan
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Серо-зелёный пуловер мужской с косами
Пуловер с выразительными косами и приглушенного зеленого цвета — отличное решение для прогулок и отдыха.
Свитер «Эклер»
Теплый свитер с рельефным узором — очень нужная вещь зимой. К тому же он такой красивый и очень модный!
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