Beige jumper with openwork neckline.
Изящный узор вверху, вырез-лодочка, нежнейшая ангора — представляем модель, от которой вы не сможете отказаться!
Raglan pullover with openwork braids
A chic pullover with openwork braids knitted from natural wool yarn in red-violet color.
Gray-beige pullover with braid pattern
This casual pullover is knitted with an intricate braid pattern in the form of an openwork lattice made of wool yarn and cashmere.
Pink patterned pullover
Pink patterned pullover
Pink pullover with a mix of patterns
Thanks to the delicate pink color and the combination of expressive “braids and honeycombs”, as well as cross-ribbing from the front and back of the satin stitch, an everyday wool pullover turns into an example of enchanting femininity
Pullover with openwork yoke
The pullover turned out to be very cute and feminine. You can both work and relax in this.
Openwork mohair jacket
Openwork mohair jacket
Green vest with braids
Парад узоров! Шерстяной жилет — абсолютный лидер осенне-зимнего сезона — демонстрирует нам роскошный коллаж из «кос», резинки и жемчужного узора. Особую прелесть модели придает имитация коротких рукавов, подчеркивающая женственную округлость плеч.
Sweater with ribbed collar and cuffs
The voluminous wide collar, gently draping on the shoulders, and the wide cuffs of the sleeves with a “braid” pattern attract maximum attention here.
Tunic “Black Tulip”
The black color is perfect! This elegant tunic, made using the fillet technique, is worthy of becoming an absolute hit in the summer wardrobe of every fashionista.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Светло-розовый кардиган без застежки
Нежно-розовый кардиган без застежки — воплощение современной элегантности в вашем гардеробе. Модель привлекает внимание стильным решением с рукавами-трубами, которые добавляют образу актуальности и утонченности.
Розовый кардиган с косами и ромбами
Летний кардиган на пуговицах связан спицами узорами из «Кос» и «Ромбов» из фасонной хлопковой пряжи розового цвета.
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