Knitted cardigan without fastening with bell sleeves
An original, loose-fitting cardigan without a fastener will leave no one indifferent. The front and back are knitted in a single fabric without shoulder seams, then the lower parts of the sleeves are knitted in the form of bells.
Cropped jacket “Diamonds and pearls”
Жакет спицами с ажурной эффектной спинкой «Брилльянты и жемчуг» от Дропс
Women's cardigan "Kumi"
A subtle textured design adorns this women's cardigan, mirrored on each side.
Jacket with patent elastic trim.
Jacket with patent elastic trim.
Men's ribbed cardigan
Неважно, какой стиль вы предпочитаете — элегантный или более расслабленный: этот мужской кардиган хорош в любом случае! Равномерный узор из мелких «кос» вяжется без особых усилий и выглядит ненавязчиво.
Jumper with ribbed yoke
This gorgeous jumper fits well thanks to the ribbed yoke. And the mesh relief pattern helps create a feminine look.
Light beige loose-fitting pullover
A high-neck raglan pullover made from a cotton-alpaca blend features alternating stripes in a variety of structural patterns.
Мужской пуловер «CIRO».
Excellent men's pullover in a sporty style
Pullover "Festive fireworks"
The expressive combination of embossed braids and arans with a jacquard pattern, as well as bright shades on a beige background, is reminiscent of festive fireworks.
Pullover in white and pink tones
This feminine stand-up collar pullover, decorated with cute bubbles, won't take too much time to knit, and the results will exceed your expectations!
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с фестонами
Изысканный пуловер в благородных серебристо-серых тонах станет настоящим украшением любого гардероба. Особую элегантность модели придают декоративные фестоны, искусно обрамляющие изделие.
Жакет Розалинда
Openwork pullover with boat neckline
Длинный вязаный пуловер прямоугольной формы с вырезом-лодочкой и широкими рукавами, слегка присборенными снизу не создаст проблем даже неопытным вязальщицам.
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