Harvest Queen jumper from DROPS Design
Knitted jumper made from DROPS Air yarn (2 threads) or Eskimo yarn (1 thread). The product is knitted in the round from top to bottom, has a round yoke with an openwork pattern and braids.
Sweater “Isabel”
How to knit an “Isabel” sweater Description
Openwork jacket and handbag
Openwork jacket
Sand cardigan with short sleeves
Smooth yarns and light natural tones are best for statement patterns. And our charming cardigan made of selected cotton is exactly what you need for spring!
Raglan jacket with zigzag ROLLING DUNE
Do you want attention from not only men, but also women? Knit a raglan jacket with a zigzag pattern from alpaca and cotton viscose
Розовый джемпер «КАТУРРА»
Розовый джемпер «КАТУРРА» от Рейчел Брокман.
Lilac lace dress
Summer dress of a fitted silhouette, with a deep neckline and narrow sleeves, slightly flaring at the bottom, is knitted with a lace pattern, smoothly transitioning into wave-like structures at the top and on the sleeves, made of cotton with Kashmir wool.
Pullover with a “LEAVES” pattern.
Pullover with a “LEAVES” pattern.
Openwork pullover crochet and knitting
On the bright yellow pullover, the floral lace panels are knitted separately and then sewn between the side pieces, knitted in a simple striped pattern.
Openwork layered skirt
The attractive structure of the skirt is formed by a variety of openwork patterns separated by picot crochet.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Jacket with a pattern of removed loops
Повседневный жакет без застежки акцентирует внимание на области плеч и рукавах, украшенных двухцветным узором из снятых петель. Остальные части вяжутся обычной лицевой гладью, так что элегантная новинка будет готова довольно быстро.
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