Light blue pullover with structured pattern
This pullover was created specifically for skilled craftswomen; such a perfect combination of elastic and openwork is not seen every day.
Beige top
Классический крой пуловера не выглядит скучным благодаря разнообразию ажурных узоров.
Top with wavy color pattern
A wonderful top made from yarn in natural colors can be worn both in warm weather and in cold seasons - instead of a sleeveless vest.
Openwork floral jumper
This is a simple, incredibly comfortable and very feminine openwork jumper. In summer it is a great option for women's clothing. It's not hot, and it's beautiful. You can wear it for a walk, to a party, and even to the office.
Asymmetrical summer top
An interesting pullover with short sleeves in a beautiful chocolate color. It surprisingly combines transverse and longitudinal patterns (braids).
Knitted wrap dress with ties
This original wrap dress is made in purl stitch using a knitting pattern. One side of the shelf is knitted with alternating strips of pink and gray yarn. In this dress you will look stylish and impressive.
Pullover knitted across with bat sleeves
Силуэт “летучая мышь” имеет большие преимущества: пуловер получается просторным, непринужденным, удобным. Данная четырехцветная модель связана поперек от рукава до рукава простым, но довольно изысканным узором.
Openwork dress made of brown yarn
Мы никогда не устанем любоваться кружевом. В Вашем гардеробе появится новый фаворит — женственное летнее платье, выполненное филигранным ажурным узором.
Crochet white top for summer
Crochet white top for summer
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Knitted pullover with a mix of patterns
Вязаный пуловер с миксом узоров: игра с ажуром, сквозными дорожками и лицевой гладью. В итоге вы получите вещь, которую не купишь ни в одном магазине.
Теплый жакет с рельефным узором
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