Платье » Майорка»
Вязаное платье просто очаровательно. Элегантное и изысканное, оно связано из белоснежного хлопка и красиво оттеняет летний загар.
Blue dress with motifs
A beautiful openwork summer dress is crocheted. The bodice of the dress consists of motifs that can be knitted using the continuous knitting method.
Elegant brown crochet dress
A spectacular and very elegant dress. The apparent ease of execution is created by using a simple pattern, but you will need to strictly follow the pattern and very precise calculations for a perfect fit.
Transformable jacket “Fuchsia”
An interesting wrap jacket with a little secret, it can be worn in two ways: with a wrap at the front or at the back.
Striped mesh pullover
Порой все элементарное просто: простой сквозной узор и полоски трех нежных весенних оттенков. Такой сетчатый пуловер свяжет даже начинающая рукодельница, а результат говорит сам за себя.
Silk dress with multi-colored patterned stripes
В слегка приталенном летнем платье ощущается стиль бохо
благодаря сочетанию узорчатых полосок и вязаных шнуров,
подчеркивающие линию плеча
Openwork knitted set
For a gentle and romantic nature, today we are creating a luxurious crocheted summer suit, in which a small top is skillfully complemented by an original asymmetrical skirt
Oversized pullover with wavy pattern
Knitted pullover with super long sleeves and a beautiful wavy pattern is made of viscose-linen yarn in a very fashionable gray shade.
Pullover with short sleeves and openwork braid pattern
На фоне нежного жемчужно- серого оттенка в пуловере с короткими рукавами на первый план выходит крупный узор из ромбов.
Knitted pink openwork top
Нежный воздушный ажурный розовый топ связан из шелка с хлопком на тонких спицах.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Cream pullover with openwork yoke
The cream pullover will surround you with comfort thanks to the high cashmere content in the thread. This charming model is knitted in stockinette stitch, decorated with an openwork yoke and wide trims.
Пуловер Cora
Довольно простая в исполнении модель с красивым названием Гардения , но очень нежная и стильная.
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