Платье крючком узором «ёлочка»
The elegant dress is knitted with a beautiful herringbone pattern.
Black openwork dress
The black openwork dress is made based on a napkin pattern.
Unusual crochet dress
In such an outfit, any figure will look incredibly interesting and slender.
Openwork dress
Charming dress with a belt made of satin ribbon. However, you can also use a leather cord or knitted ribbon in a contrasting color.
Ribbon lace dress
Spectacular openwork dress made from section-dyed yarn.
Lace mini dress
For such a chic dress, you need to sew a cover, but keep in mind that when worn, this model can become shorter by about 6 cm.
Openwork white dress and hat
Openwork white dress and hat
Openwork dress
The straight, knee-length dress is knitted in an elegant mesh pattern. An excellent choice for both the city and vacation!
Платье — Гипюр
A light openwork dress for the most daring fashionistas is made in different techniques. Guipure lace is complemented by some elements of Bruges lace.
Summer knitted dress with butterflies
An elegant summer dress is knitted using the Bruges technique. The collected original compositions create the image of a stylish girl.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Ажурный салатовый джемпер
Свободный джемпер из хлопка с кашемиром создает ощущение воздушности благодаря сетчатым узорам, органично сочетающимся с участками глади и изящным узором из скрещенных петель.
Пуловер с жаккардовыми полосами
Прямо в точку: мятно голубой пуловер с круглым вырезом не только удобен, но и универсален — он подойдет к любому случаю. Независимо от того, будете вы ого носить со светлыми джинсами или юбкой, он придаст вашему образу особую нотку благодаря белым жаккардовым полоскам, напоминающим «барашки» на море.
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