Blue crochet dress
Blue dress in fillet technique
Sundress with a luxurious loin skirt
A chic sundress with a flared skirt with roses, the bodice is trimmed with knitted flowers.
Barn Dance Dress
Knitted dress made from DROPS Cotton Light yarn. The item is knitted from top to bottom with a round yoke, openwork pattern, braids and short sleeves.
Master Class – Dress “Pineapple Square”
A knitted dress is associated with something refined, expensive, graceful and unusual. I suggest knitting a dress using the Pineapple pattern.
Top with butterfly pattern
Свяжи себе красивую вещь с мечтой о лете, море, озере и путешествиях в будущем — эта прелесть с узором «бабочка» пригодится тебе всегда, где бы ты ни побывала, Дорогая Вязальщица, и послужит тебе сейчас позитивным якорем для того, чтобы мечтать и верить в хорошее будущее.
Mesh tunic with floral motifs
The lace pattern of this tunic is made up of various double and single crochet stitches and an infinite number of air loops that form large flowers scattered over a mesh base.
Summer tunic with a fantasy pattern
Elegant tunic dress from Drops, knitted with knitting needles. satin stitch and openwork pattern. The versatility of this model lies in the fact that by changing accessories each time, this item can be used as a dress or a tunic and played in different styles.
Openwork yellow tunic with V-neck
A tunic with openwork stripes and a floral motif on the front will make you feel completely relaxed.
Платье: «Бриллианты на солнце»
Платье: «Бриллианты на солнце»
Платье шетландскими узорами — «Атлантида»
Шетландский узор или шетландские мотивы — это поистине искусство, которое к большому счастью опять в моде.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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