Hope Bay blouse
Джемпер спицами с коротким рукавом из пряжи DROPS Muskat. Изделие вяжется сверху вниз, имеет двойную резинку на горловине и ажурный узор «волны» на кокетке. Размеры S — XXXL.
Pullover with lace border
Pullover with lace border
Summer jumper
This cheerful summer jumper with daisies is refreshing and puts you in a good mood!
Jumper with openwork “inserts” on the sleeves
The combination of three soft shades gives rise to a feeling of harmony and peace. A cute accent: a wide openwork stripe on the shoulders and sleeves.
Striped pullover
Classic pullover with 3/4 sleeves. Due to variations in the colors of the yarn, you can make it brighter and more contrasting, or choose a pastel version.
Openwork pink pullover
Delicate blouse with chain sleeves and trim stripes along the hem and neckline
Openwork jumper with puff sleeves
There is an openwork checkered pattern on the front and back, and the puffy sleeves, gathered at the edge, are knitted with a simple stockinette stitch.
Пуловер «Клара»
An elegant openwork jumper for the summer - snow-white, openwork, looks very impressive on a tanned body.
Turquoise pullover with openwork pattern
A feminine openwork jumper with a boat neck will appeal to those who prefer classic solutions.
Beige ribbon top
An intricate loop pattern and a regular garter stitch combine to create an extravagant look in this top.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с фестонами
Изысканный пуловер в благородных серебристо-серых тонах станет настоящим украшением любого гардероба. Особую элегантность модели придают декоративные фестоны, искусно обрамляющие изделие.
Жакет Розалинда
Openwork pullover with boat neckline
Длинный вязаный пуловер прямоугольной формы с вырезом-лодочкой и широкими рукавами, слегка присборенными снизу не создаст проблем даже неопытным вязальщицам.
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