Pullover with a mix of openwork patterns
Summer raglan pullover is knitted with openwork patent pattern from cotton and linen in lilac color.
Orange raglan pullover with leaves pattern
На фоне простой платочной вязки выделяются узкие вертикальные полоски ажурных «листьев» — смотрится это великолепно, в том числе благодаря нескользящей ленточной пряже.
Blue pullover with openwork braids
A casual long pullover with a clever openwork pattern, knitted from slightly rough blue cotton yarn.
Pullover with mesh pattern and snood
Идеальный комплект для переменчивой весенней погоды — пуловер с узором в сеточку и снуд, достаточно длинный, чтобы его можно было два или три раза задрапировать вокруг шеи.
Knitted pullover with weaves
The upper part of the pullover has many weaves. You will need quite a lot of yarn, because such knitted weaves, braids, etc. they take a lot of yarn.
Openwork jumper
Ажурный джемпер Ажурный джемпер из журнала Amu связан из 550г пряжи крючком №3,5 и спицами №4. Размер 40-42. Плотность вязания ажурного узора: 1 раппорт — 12 петель = 5,5 см и 4 ряда = 10 см. Плотность вязания резинки 2х2 – 32 петли и 30…
Striped mesh jumper
A stylish jumper made of yarn in six colors is suitable for those who love freedom and dynamism.
Pullover “Mint Roses”
An elegant combination of gray and turquoise and, of course, flowers! It's impossible not to fall in love with this pullover!
Jumper Green Echo
Jumper: Green echo.
V-neck pullover with wavy edge
The model is beautiful not only due to the chosen color, but also due to the precisely chosen pattern
with a V-shaped arrangement and a wavy edge.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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