Black and white knitted crochet skirt
Stylish black and white crochet skirt made from square motifs. The universal color scheme of this skirt will allow you to combine it with almost any thing.
Блуза — кимоно мотивами
Блуза — кимоно связана великолепными мотивами в технике сцепного кружева.
Lace snow-white jacket.
Ни один элемент не повторяется, вкрапления фасонной пряжи при вывязывании элемента «пико», необычное соединение мотивов, с частичным наложением, для создания эффекта дополнительного объема — все это настоящая проверка на мастерство.
Knitted dress with crochet motifs
Incredibly beautiful colored circles in skillful hands turn into a chic long dress. This model looks unusually romantic and feminine.
Openwork crochet tunic
A transparent tunic looks great both as a beach outfit and paired with a tight dress.
Dress with openwork elastic band
Платье с лифом — корсажем связано спицами. Вязаное платье — модный тренд уже несколько лет.
Crochet dress -Indigo-
Crochet dress with long sleeves and flared skirt. An amazing summer dress with an openwork top for women with a description and diagrams.
Платье крючком — Геометрия
The dress is crocheted with an unusual geometric pattern. Knitting a dress begins with a central motif on the chest, reminiscent of a grandmother's square, then all the details of the dress are knitted according to the given patterns from the central square.
Tunic with short puffy sleeves
Перед и спинка туники связаны волнистым узором. На рукавах – сквозные полоски. Здесь вдохновляет один только выбор цветов – от сливового до золотисто-желтого.
White top with floral motifs
White color always looks very advantageous, especially in summer. The beautiful openwork pattern gives the white top with motifs a festive look.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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