Crochet sundress from granny squares
“Granny Square” will never go out of fashion, and all models associated with its use look stylish.
Summer black and white crochet dress
A black and white dress is relevant always and everywhere. An amazing sleeveless dress goes well with a bag in the same color scheme.
Summer openwork dress in turquoise color
Summer sundress with a bodice of patterned square motifs and ruffle trim.
Платье — футляр с открытыми плечами.
Ажурное платье — футляр с открытыми плечами. Интересный узор и бирюзовый цвет делают эту модель необычайно привлекательной.
Openwork suit (skirt and top)
Легкие ажурные платья, топы и юбки, связанные крючком, — идеальный вариант для летнего отдыха. Красиво, женственно и очень соблазнительно!
Платье узором «ананас»
An exquisite dress in a vintage style is perfect for going to the theater or another celebration. Pineapples in turquoise look luxurious!
Crochet summer suit
This extravagant black and gold striped suit is knitted with alternating horizontal patterns. The patterns are not complicated but very effective!
Stole with flowers and tank top
Stole with flowers and top with straps. The shades of sky and sea wave in the floral designs are gorgeous!
Платье — Горький шоколад
A lace dress in the color of dark chocolate enchants with its openwork motifs. Give yourself a magnificent thing that will delight you for a long time.
White tunic
The deep neckline and filigree floral patterns of the long snow-white tunic create a delicate and romantic look. Can be worn with trousers or separately as a dress.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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