Cardigan Galatea
Кардиган вяжется в две нити пряжей DROPS Kid-Silk и Alpaca сверху вниз, регланом и ажурным узором на рукавах и спинке. Размеры S — XXXL.
Tunic dress with three-quarter sleeves
The tunic dress with three-quarter sleeves, completely covered with openwork motifs, softly envelops the figure and guarantees comfort even on hot days thanks to a mixture of cotton and silk.
Pullover with wide straps and drawstring waist
An elegant pullover with wide ribbed panels and a drawstring at the waist, knitted with a delicate openwork diamond pattern.
Pullover with diagonal stripes
A hot pink raglan pullover with openwork diagonals and short sleeves made of a mesh pattern is made of natural cotton yarn, which will save you from the summer heat.
Interesting blouse “Glam”
Cute “Glam” jumper with an original round yoke. Raglan sleeves. Simple openwork pattern. There are eight repeating rows in total.
Frosted Mountains Jumper
Связать джемпер спицами можно из пряжи DROPS Paris или DROPS Bomull-Lin. Джемпер вяжется снизу вверх ажурным узором. Размеры: S — XXXL
Pullover with short sleeves and openwork insert
A lightweight, casual, crew-neck pullover that will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. The openwork pattern on the front and back gives this model an airy feel; the short sleeves are knitted in a simple stockinette stitch.
Openwork beach dress with fringe
The transparent beach dress is knitted using a combination of elongated loops and openwork patterns, decorated with fringe.
Openwork oversized vest
Великолепная в своей непринужденности модель, выполненная из прохладной хлопковой пряжи, — незаменимый спутник в повседневной жизни!
Top Canary Belle
Топ вяжется сверху вниз ажурным узором «волны». Размеры XS — XXL.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Светло-розовый кардиган без застежки
Нежно-розовый кардиган без застежки — воплощение современной элегантности в вашем гардеробе. Модель привлекает внимание стильным решением с рукавами-трубами, которые добавляют образу актуальности и утонченности.
Розовый кардиган с косами и ромбами
Летний кардиган на пуговицах связан спицами узорами из «Кос» и «Ромбов» из фасонной хлопковой пряжи розового цвета.
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