Платье «Парижанка»
Master Class

Платье «Парижанка»

Платья от дизайнера Vanessa Montoro невозможно отнести просто к разряду вязаных вещей, кружевные рисунки напоминают об изысканной старине, а современные материалы – нитки из шелка, вискозы, хлопка  превращают одежду прошлых веков в модную тенденцию наших дней.

crochet dress

Each openwork dress is unique, each is an original creative work. No model can be copied down to the eyelet. A slightly changed color, adding or decreasing rows due to the characteristics of the figure, thinner (thicker) threads - and the dress is different.

Detailed information about the MASTER CLASS here***

IMPORTANT! Be able to read and knit according to patterns. Purchasing this Description DOES NOT give you the right to distribute it in accordance with the User Agreement.

Leave questions, reviews and recommendations in the Contacts section or in direct message on Instagram @lilia.vignan

For Russia, CIS countries and other countries, an additional form of payment through fast money transfer systems gold Crown/KoronaPay Unistream/Unistream

To obtain payment details please contact us.

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