Against the dazzling white background of the main canvas, the three-color yoke looks very bright and impressive. This feminine pullover with a wide, loose stand-up collar is perfect for
classic and modern combine
DIMENSIONS: 34/36. 38/40 and 42/44

YOU WILL NEED: yarn (90% sheep wool. 10% cashmere wool; 85 m/50 g) -550/600/650 g natural white, 100 g red and 100/150/150 g gray-blue; hook number 5: 4 crochet markers.
Pattern A: вязать по схеме А столбиками без накида и в.п. рядами в прямом и обратном направлении. Лицевые ряды считывать справа налево, изнаночные ряды — слева направо. Каждый ряд начинать с 2 в.п. подъема вместо 1-го ст. с/н. В ширину начать с петель перед раппортом, повторять раппорт (= 1 группа из 2 ст. 6/н и 1 в.п.). Закончить петлями после раппорта. В высоту выполнить 1 раз с 1-го по 4-й р., затем повторять 3-й и 4-й р.

Pattern B: вязать по схеме В столбиками без накида и в.п. по кругу. Все ряды считывать справа налево. Каждый ряд начинать с 2 в.п. подъема вместо 1-го ст. б/н и заканчивать 1 соед. ст. в самую верхнюю из 2 в.п. подъема. При смене цвета соединительные столбики выполнять нитью нового цвета. В ширину повторять раппорт. В высоту выполнить 1 раз с 1-го по 28-й р. Распределение цветов — см. Условные обозначения.

Knitting density: 6 groups of loops x 15 r. according to scheme A = 10×10 cm; 6 groups of loops x 17 r. according to pattern B = 10 x 10 cm. Samples are made with crochet number 5.

BACK: Using a natural white thread, make an initial chain of 88/94/100 vp. and continue working according to pattern A = 28/30/32 groups of loops in each row. At the same time, 1st Art. b/n perform in the 4th vp. from the hook. Perform in height 1 time from the 1st to the 4th row, then repeat the 3rd and 4th row.
After 16 cm from the initial chain, skip the 2nd group of loops and the penultimate group of loops = 26/28/30 groups of loops. After 24 cm from the initial chain, repeat the technique = 24/26/28 groups of loops. After 40 cm from the initial chain, finish the work.
BEFORE: knit like a back.
SLEEVES: Use a natural white thread to make an initial chain of 64/67/70 vp. and continue working according to pattern A = 20/21/22 groups of loops in each row. At the same time, 1st Art. 6/n perform in the 4th v.p. from the hook. Perform in height 1 time from the 1st to the 4th row, then repeat the 3rd and 4th row.
After 16 cm from the initial chain, skip the 2nd group of loops and the penultimate group of loops = 18/19/20 groups of loops.
After 42 cm from the initial chain, finish the work. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
ASSEMBLY: Pin the knitted parts onto the pattern, moisten and leave until dry. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Continue working according to pattern B and knit in the round, starting the 1st round. from the middle of the back. In each row, perform 84/90/96 groups of loops.
To perform decreases, mark with markers the 1st group of stitches on the front, back and sleeves. At 3 p.m. skip marked groups of stitches = 80/86/92 groups of loops. Repeat similar decreases in the same marked places at 7, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 26 and 28. = 44/50/56 groups of loops. Continue working with gray thread and knit a stand-up collar in a circle, while in every 2nd p. continue to decrease = skip 1 group of loops at each marked place another 4/5/6 times = 28/30/32 groups of loops.
Finish the work 12 cm from the last red row. Fasten the ends of the threads from the wrong side to areas of the same color.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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