The vibrant arrangement of flowers and stripes on the front is supported by a single element at the top of the back. All this beauty looks great on a burgundy background!
Model Alena Prokhorova
Size: XS-L

You will need: пряжа Alize Lanagold Fine (51% акрил, 49% шерсть, 390 м/100 г) — 400 г бордового цвета (№57), для рисунка — аналогичная пряжа оттенков: горчичный, св. джинс меланж, бежевый, терракотовый, липа и василек, крючок №5.

Before starting work, make a life-size pattern for the upper part of the product and make reductions for the neckline in accordance with it.

Before: start knitting with elastic.
Dial 14 air. p. with a burgundy thread and knit 68 rows according to pattern 1.

From the elastic up, knit 1 row of stitches. s/n [total 104 loops) and divide the work into 2 parts: 64 p. and 40 p.
Next, knit each part separately.
Правую — ст. с/н бордового цвета, а на левой вязывайте узор А по схеме 2.

Also knit the neckline separately for each part.
Connect both parts with a hook along the front side 1 next to the st. Non-woven thread of cornflower blue color.

Back: According to scheme 1, knit an elastic band 68 rows long. From the elastic up, knit the entire piece, st. s/n thread of burgundy color.
After 23 cm of monochrome knitting on the left side, fix the area with markers and begin knitting flower B according to pattern 3.

Knit the neck according to the pattern

Sleeves: knit an elastic band according to pattern 1, 32 rows long.
From the elastic upwards, knit the entire sleeve st. s/n, making increases on both sides in every 3rd row.

Assembly: Sew the front and back, leaving holes for the sleeves.
Sew the sleeves and attach them to the product.
Tie the neckline in a circle:
1-й ряд — ст, б/н,
2-й ряд — ст. с/н,
3-7-й ряды — резинка (чередуйте 1 ст. с/н и 1 ст. с/н за заднюю стенку петли).

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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