The unusual checkerboard pattern with gaps attracts attention at first sight. It is formed by separately connected strips connected by crossing.
Size 38—42
You will need
Yarn (100% cotton; 90 m/50 g) - 300 g each color. ecru and gray-green; circular knitting needles No. 5.
Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.
shawl stitch
Front and back rows - front loops.
The pattern consists of separately knitted strips of 25 loops, which are connected to each other by crossing in the 16th and 43rd rows of the pattern. The total number of loops is a multiple of 50; knit according scheme. It shows only the front rows. In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern or acc. instructions. Repeat rapport constantly.
After the 15th, 42nd and 69th rows there is no corresponding purl row. 2 facial rows are performed in a row. Perform rows 1–69 once, then constantly repeat rows 16–69, while maintaining the sequence of thread colors.
Completing of the work
Using gray-green thread, cast on 5 x 25 stitches on knitting needles, thread color. Ecru cast on 5 x 25 stitches on knitting needles and knit 5 stripes A and B, first for 15 rows separately in a braid pattern.
In the 16th row, connect all the stripes by crossing into 1 circular row, while constantly repeating the rapport = 250 sts.
At the beginning of the circular row, without knitting, remove the first 6 loops as purl stitches and include them at the end of the circular row in the last crossing of the circular row.
Then again knit all 10 strips separately according to. thread color.
In the 43rd row of the pattern, knit 1 circular row again, as in the 16th row of the pattern.
After 37 cm = 96 rows from the initial row, divide the work and first continue knitting the back on the first 125 stitches.
At the same time, for the whole knit sleeves, cast on 1 x 39 new stitches on both sides (= according to the color of the rapport thread, 1 strip for 25 stitches and 1 outer strip for 14 stitches; at the beginning of the row of sleeves there are 8 loops in garter stitch and 6 loops in stockinette stitch for crossing, in at the end of the row the loops are arranged in a mirror image) = 203 p.
After 47 cm = 122 rows from the starting row, close off the middle 13 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
Perform the next row (= crossing row) as follows: along the right edge of the neckline, first according to. knit the pattern until the last 12 stitches, then acc. pattern, cross over and at the same time close off the last 6 stitches.
Along the left edge of the neckline, cross the first 12 loops as follows: leave 6 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, bind off 6 sts, then knit 6 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle with 1 knotted edge, 4 knits, 1 purl, knit the remaining loops according to. pattern = 89 p. on each side of the neck.
After 57.5 cm = 149 rows from the initial row, bind off all the loops according to the pattern, leaving the last 6 loops of the strip on the auxiliary knitting needle behind the first 6 loops of the next strip, then knit 1 loop each from the left knitting needle and from the auxiliary knitting needle together. close. Before finishing in the same way.
Sew shoulder seams only on braid stitches. Sew closed braid loops along the edge of the neckline from the inside. Sew the bottom seams of the sleeves.
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About the Author
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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