Women's cotton pullover
Size: 44-48
You will need: 700 g yarn (100% cotton; 117 m/50 g). Straight knitting needles 2.5 and 3.5 mm, ring knitting needles 2.5 mm.
Elastic band 1.
1st row: * 1 purl loop, 1 knit crossed loop *, from * to * repeat until the end of the row;
2nd row: * 1 purl crossed loop, 1 knit stitch *, from * to * repeat until the end of the row. Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows in height until the desired length of the elastic band.
Braid pattern in elastic band 1.
1st-6th and 8th rows: 8 stitches in stockinette stitch;
7th row: Remove 4 loops to a spare knitting needle before work, knit 4 knit stitches, then knit the loops from the spare knitting needle. Repeat the pattern in height from the 1st to the 8th row.
Elastic band 2 (knit in the round).
1st-3rd rows: * 4 purl loops, 4 knit loops *, repeat from * to *;
4th row: * 4 purl loops, remove 2 loops onto a spare knitting needle before work, knit 2 knit stitches, then knit the loops from the spare knitting needle *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. In height, repeat the elastic pattern from the 1st to the 4th row.
Facial surface (knit stitches across the face and purl stitches across the back of the work).
Purl stitch (purl stitches across the face and knit stitches across the back of the work).
Leaves pattern knit according to the pattern.
Scheme of the “leaves” pattern. Only front rows are shown. Knit purl rows as the stitches look. Purl the yarn overs and elongated loops.
Knitting density: 23.5 loops x 29 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Attention: edge loops are not included in the calculation.
Cast on 2.5 mm knitting needles with 124 loops and knit as follows: * 25 loops with rib 1, 8 loops with a braid pattern *, from * to * repeat 2 times, 25 loops with rib 1.
After 8 cm, in the last row of elastic, add 12 loops: 5 loops before the first “braid”, 1 loop between the “braids” and 5 loops after the third “braid”. There are 136 loops on the knitting needle.
Then switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and knit in the following sequence: 22 purl loops, * 1 elongated loop (see its description in the legend to the “leaves” pattern), 3 purl loops *, from * to * repeat 1 times, 8 loops with a “braid” pattern, * 3 loops with purl stitch, 1 elongated loop *, from * to * repeat 1 time, 6 loops with purl stitch, * 1 elongated loop, 3 loops with purl stitch *, from * to * repeat 2 times, 8 loops with a “braid” pattern (this is the middle of the front), knit the left half of the front in a mirror image with respect to the right.
Having knitted 60 rows in this way, on the middle 36 loops, begin to knit the “leaves” pattern according to the diagram.
After 90 rows from the end of the elastic, start knitting two other “leaf” patterns along the edges according to the pattern, while not three, but two elongated loops go along the “braid”.
At 48 cm from the start of work, close 8 loops on both sides of the armholes. Start the next front row with 2 purl loops and a small “braid” of 4 loops (how to knit it, see the description of the sleeves), finish with a small “braid” and 2 purl loops.
Once you have completed all three leaf patterns, purl all the stitches.
At 69 cm from the start of work, close the middle 20 loops for the neckline, then on both sides 1 time 6, 1 time 4, 1 time 3, 2 times 2 and 4 times 1 loop in every second row. Close the remaining loops on the shoulders at 77 cm from the start of work.
Until the neckline, knit as described for the front. At 74 cm from the start of work, close the middle 40 loops for the neckline, then on both sides 1 time 5, 1 time 4 and 1 time 2 loops in every second row. At 77 cm from the start of work, bind off the remaining loops on the shoulders.
Cast on 49 stitches on 2.5 mm knitting needles and knit 6 cm with rib 1. In the last row of rib, add 37 stitches evenly. There are 86 loops on the knitting needle.
Switch to 3.5 mm needles and knit as follows: 9 loops in stockinette stitch, * 4 loops in stockinette stitch, 12 loops in stockinette stitch *, from * to * repeat 3 times, 4 loops in stockinette stitch, 9 loops in stockinette stitch.
On every fourth row, cross every 4 knit stitches to the left to create small “braids.” To do this, remove 2 knit stitches onto a spare knitting needle before work, knit 2 knit stitches, then knit 2 knit stitches from a spare knitting needle.
At the same time, for sleeve bevels, add 1 loop on both sides 25 times in every fourth row. Insert the added loops sequentially into the pattern so that between the “braids” there are 12 purl stitch loops.
After the last addition there are 136 stitches on the needle.
Having knitted at a height of 45.5 cm, bind off all the loops in one step.
Sew the shoulder seams.
Fold the sleeves in half lengthwise and insert them into the armholes.
Sew the remaining seams. Along the edge of the neckline, cast on 160 loops on ring needles and knit 5 cm with elastic band 2. Cast off the loops.
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About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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