Кардиган в технике бриошь
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Brioche cardigan

вязаный кардиган

Brioche cardigan

Dimensions: X/S – S; M-L.

chest volume – 90 cm; 99cm;
length – 76cm; 82.5cm;
sleeve volume at the shoulder – 29 cm; 31.5 cm.


We will need:
yarn, 100% wool, 50g per 155m, dark gray (A) – 450g; 450g;
the same yarn, gray (B) – 400g; 450g;
circular knitting needles No. 4 or No. 5 (= 3.5 mm or 3.75 mm) 80 cm long - two sets;
circular knitting needles No. 6 or No. 7 (=4mm or 4.5mm) 40cm and 80cm long – two sets each;
straight knitting needles with two working ends No. 6 (=4mm) for the belt;
markers (M).
Density: knitting needles No. 6 (=4mm) 34 sts for 32 r. equal to 10cm by 10cm; knitting needles No. 7 (=4.5 mm) 31 stitches for 29 r. equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.

вязаный кардиган


The cardigan is made with knitting needles according to the diagrams and descriptions.

The following designations are used in the diagrams:

k/3 – knit a k/p loop behind the front wall, then the same loop behind the back wall;
broach - slip 1 stitch, 1 k/p, throw the removed stitch over the knitted one;
M1 – add a stitch from the knit stitch. cross.

How to make a set of loops
You need to use both colors of thread. Using Yarn A we make a slip stitch. Next you need to take the 2nd circle. knitting needles in your right hand, place a sliding st on the end of the knitting needles. Throw the end of the thread over the index finger of your left hand, wrap the working thread around the thumb, as for a classic set.

*Bring the end of the thread under the bottom knitting needle up, between the two knitting needles (making a loop around the bottom knitting needle) and bring the thread under the top knitting needle.

Transfer the thread from your thumb between the needles, over the top needle.

Repeat from * until the required number of stitches is on each needle.

Track. r.: turn the work so that the top knitting needle is at the bottom and use yarn A to knit these stitches k/p.

Track. p.: turn the work again and use yarn B to knit stitches on the knitting needle.

Continue further with the description.

For knitting needles No. 4; No. 5 (=3.5mm; 3.75mm) with yarn A, cast on as described above, 158 sts on the top needle and 159 sts on the bottom, for a total of 317 sts. We knit 2 rows as described above.

You can cast on 317 stitches using larger needles in Yarn A as usual and continue from *note below.

Track. R. (RS): Move the stitches on both needles so that they point to the right. Fold the knitting needles in half, purl/p inward. The needle with color A should be facing you. *Thread at work, slip 1 stitch (color A) from sp. 1 as purl/p.

Bring yarn forward, purl 1 from needle 2 (color B); repeat from * to the end of the p., remove the last one. ptl as purl/p.

To ensure that the density of the two-color elastic is the same when knitting according to patterns, cross threads A and B, moving B under A, then over A. Hold thread A in your left hand, B in your right.


1r. (IS): knitting needles No. 6; No. 7 (=4mm; 4.5mm) remove 1 stitch as purl, *color B: move thread back, 1 k/p, move thread forward; color A: move the thread forward, 1 p/p, leave the thread in front* - from * to * repeat until the end of the row;
2 rub. (RS): slip 1 p. as k/p, *color B: move thread forward, 1 p/p, then move thread back, col. A: move the thread back, k1/p, leave the thread behind* – from * to * repeat until the end of the row;
3rd rub.: like 1st rub.
In all subsequent rows, remove the 1st stitch.

Beginning of diagram A:

1r. (LS): knit the first 9 sts with a two-color elastic band according to the pattern, knit 30 sts of rapport 1st r. patterns, repeating them 10 times. The last 8 stitches are two-color cutting according to the drawing. Continue knitting the pattern as recommended, performing the first 9 stitches and the last 8 stitches in two colors. with an elastic band until 40 rows of c are knitted. A.

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Beginning of diagram B:

1r. (LS): knit 9 stitches with knitting needles, continue knitting cx. And at 59 p., place M; knit 31 p. - sh. B, set M, continue knitting cx A for 120 sts, put M, 31 sts - cx. B, put M, then knit according to the pattern until the end of the r. Knit the loops between M according to cx. B for forming a fitted fit, cx. And continue knitting as established until all rows cx are knitted. B. A total of 56 stitches were reduced, leaving 261 stitches. Between M there are 3 stitches left in color A.

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Beginning of diagram C – formation of the chest line

Continue knitting cx. And, as established, knit the loops between M according to cx. C. After the end of the increases, you have added only 40 sts, a total of 301 sts. Between the markers there are 23 sts. Knit until the 59th r. schemes C.

Trace of the river (IS): knit 8 stitches with a sharp stitch, add a loop from the broach (M1) with yarn A, knit the 60th row. diagrams C up to the last 9 sts. Knit these 9 stitches with a sharp stitch. Total 302 ptl.

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Beginning of diagram D

The formation of the neckline occurs between the loops of the edging and the RS of the edging is changed to IS (for the collar), simultaneously with the decreases for the neck, increases for the collar are made. On the 11th cx. D there is a division into shelves and a back with the formation of an armhole.

Knitting a row with increases for the collar/decreases for the neck (RS) 6 knit the first 9 sts according to the description of the IS cut, M1, set M, knit the 1st r. according to cx. D to the last 9 stitches, set M, M1, knit the last 9 stitches according to the description of the cutting system.

Track. R. (IS): knit persons. R. cutting to M, row 2 cx. to M, knit faces. R. cutting to the end of the river.

Repeat the M1 increments as described in the 4th row. once, in the 2nd r. once, on the 4th p.m. once, on the 6th p.m. once, every 2nd r. 5 times, every 4th r. twice, in the 2nd r. once, on the 4th p.m. one r., in every 2nd r. 11 times (34 sts for each side of the collar).

At the same time form the neckline and armholes

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