Красивый пуловер с акцентом на рукава
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Beautiful pullover with an emphasis on the sleeves

вязаный пуловер

The front and back, made in garter stitch in the form of squares, harmonize well with voluminous, fancy sleeves

Knitting needles and accessories

 Knitting needles No. 6.5; knitting markers.

Knitting density

 29 p. x 25 r. = 20 x 10 cm, knitted in garter stitch on needles No. 6.5.

18 p. x 22 r. = 15 x 10 cm, knitted with a fantasy pattern (slightly stretched) on knitting needles No. 6.5.


The details are intentionally designed to be shorter, taking into account the fact that garter stitch tends to stretch in length when worn.


Garter stitch

Лицевые и изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.

Лицевая гладь Лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.

Fantasy pattern

Knit according to the pattern.

схема вязания спицами

Description of work


On knitting needles No. 6.5, cast on 74 (78:86:90:98) sts and knit in garter stitch.

At 38 cm from the beginning row, attach markers to the edges to mark the beginning of the armholes.

Через 54 (55:56:57:58) см от начального ряда вязать 2 р. лицевой гладью, затем вязать 1 р. следующим образом: 1 кром. , * 2 п. провязать вместе с наклоном влево (снять 1 п., как при вязании лицевой, следующую петлю провязать лицевой и протянуть ее через снятую петлю), 2 накида, 2 п. вместе лицевой, от » повторять, закончить ряд 1 кром.

Knit 1 p. purl, knitting the 1st yarn over with a purl and the 2nd yarn over with a knit stitch crossed.

Finish with 2 rows of stockinette stitch.

After 60 (61:62:63:64) cm from the starting row, bind off all the loops, marking the middle 34 stitches for the neckline with markers. Knit in front in the same way.


 Using knitting needles No. 6.5, cast on 38 (40:44:46:50) sts for each sleeve and knit in garter stitch and fancy pattern (see diagram), distributing the stitches as follows: 10 (11:13:14:16 ) p. garter stitch,

18 p. fantasy pattern

 and 10 (11:13:14:16) sts in garter stitch.

For bevels, add on both sides in each next 12th r. 7 x 1 p. = 52 (54:58:60:64) p.

 Knit 8 x 12 p. rapport, then knit another 2 (2:-::-) r. thus: middle 18 stitches in stockinette stitch, remaining stitches at the edges in garter stitch.

After 45 (45:43.5:43.5:43.5) cm from the initial row, bind off the loops.


Sew shoulder seams up to neckline markers.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes between the starting armhole marks.

Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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  1. Catherine

    Thank you, now I’m looking for a model for a jumper for me Rogoavilpmb Apsha idea
    I just don’t like garter stitch: it’s unpredictable if it’s not knitted tightly.

  2. Lyudmila

    Very interesting solution

  3. Faith

    I'll try it, I got the idea.

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