In your favorite shades of grey, the intricate diamond pattern running in a wide stripe on the flaps and patch pockets ensures the success of a long, oversized cardigan with a low shoulder line.
Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need: пряжа (100% мериносовой шерсти; 150 м/50 г) — 600 (650) 700 г светло-серой;
knitting needles No. 5 and 4.5;
4 circular knitting needles No. 4.5, length 150 cm; 1 auxiliary knitting needle for braids;
5 buttons with a diameter of 28 mm; 2 auxiliary needles for open loops.
Rubber: alternately 1 face crossed,
1 purl crossed.
Garter stitch: лицевые и изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Facial surface: лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.
Purl stitch: лицевые ряды изнаночные петли, изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Diamond pattern (for 30 p.): knit according to the given pattern. The numbers on the right indicate the facial rows, which are read from right to left.
В изнаночных рядах петли провязывать по рисунку, скрещенные петли — изнаночными скрещенными.
The letter a denotes the 1st row. = purl row. which is read from left to right.
In width on the given 30 stitches, knit 1 time. Repeat in height from 1st to 32nd row.

Knitting density: 21 p. x 29 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch; 30 stitches of diamond pattern = 10.5 cm wide.
The samples are made on needles No. 5.

Back: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 111 (119) 129 sts and, starting from the purl row, knit for the bottom bar 4 cm = 11 r. with an elastic band.
Switch to size 5 needles and continue working in stockinette stitch.
After 44 cm = 126 r. (42 cm = 120 rub.) 40 cm = 114 rub. From the bottom bar, mark the beginning of the armholes on both sides.
After 14 cm = 40 rub. (16 cm = 46 rub.) 18 cm = 52 rub. close from the marks for the neck (taking into account the width
binding inserts) average 25 sts and then knit each side separately.
To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in every 2nd r. 2 times 3 p., 2 times 2 p. and 4 times 1 p. After 7 cm = 20 r. from the beginning of the neck, close from the outer edge for the shoulder bevel, first 1 time 9 (11) 12 p., then in every 2nd r. 2 more times 10 (11) 13 p.
Finish the second side symmetrically.
Left shelf: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 69 (73) 78 sts and knit the bottom bar, distributing the loops as follows: edge, 34 (38) 43 sts of elastic, 2 sts of purl stitch, 30 sts of diamond pattern, 1 st purl stitch, edge stitch.
After 4 cm = 11 r. from the cast-on row, switch to knitting needles No. 5 and on the first 34 (38) 43 stitches after the edge stitch, continue working in stockinette stitch, knitting on the remaining stitches as before.
After 41 cm = 118 r. From the bottom bar, start forming a V-neck bevel: knit 2 stitches together in front of the diamond pattern and repeat this decrease 4 more times in every 16th row. Mark the beginning of the armhole at the same height as on the back.
Perform the shoulder bevels at the same height and in the same way as on the back.
On the remaining 35 sts, continue knitting for the binding insert with the same distribution of stitches and after the next 13 cm = 38 r. set the loops aside.
Right shelf: knit symmetrically to the left front, while to form a bevel of a V-shaped neckline, knit 2 stitches after the diamond pattern together with a slant to the left (= 1 stitch, slip off, as in knitting, knit the next loop and pull it through the removed loop) .

Pocket (= 2 parts): on knitting needles No. 5, cast on 38 stitches and, starting from the purl row, knit, distributing the loops as follows: edge stitch, 1 stitch in stockinette stitch, 2 stitches in purl stitch, 30 stitches in diamond pattern, 2 p. purl stitch, 1 p. front satin stitch, edge stitch.
After 11 cm = 33 r. from the cast-on row, switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and knit with an elastic band for the strap, while in the 1st r. add 1 p. = 39 p. With a bar width of 2.5 cm = 8 r. close the loops according to the drawing.
Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 4.5
dial on 49 (53) 57 stitches for each sleeve and knit the placket as on the back.
Switch to size 5 needles and continue working in stockinette stitch.
At the same time at 9 p.m. from the bar, add 1 stitch on both sides for bevels. Repeat these increases 14 more times in every 8th row. (9 times in every 8th r. and 7 times in every 6th r.) 3 times in every 8th r. and 15 times every 6th r. = 87 (95) 103 p.
After 44 cm = 128 rub. From the bar, close the loops with knit stitches.
Assembly: Stretch the parts to size, moisten and leave until dry.
Sew side seams, shoulder seams and sleeve seams, while in the side seams the upper sections 20 (22) 24 cm long from the marks are left open for the armholes.
Sew pockets to the shelves in the areas of the front surface in the middle, departing 9 cm from the bottom bar.
Connect the open loops of the binding inserts with a knitted seam.
Sew the trim into the back neckline.
Using circular knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on stitches evenly along the front edge of the right front, the bevels of the neckline, the edge of the back neckline and the front edge of the left front (at the rate of 26 stitches in a section 10 cm long). Knit the fastener bar with an elastic band.
В 4-м р. (= лиц. ряд) в планке застежки правой полочки выполнить 5 отверстий для пуговиц: для каждого отверстия 5 п. провязать вместе и сделать 1 накид, в следующем изнаночном ряду из накида вывязать 1 изнаночную скрещенную и 1 лицевую скрещенную. 1-е отверстие расположить на расстоянии 3 см от нижнего края изделия, остальные 4 отверстия — с интервалом 10,5 см.
With a strip width of 2.5 cm = 9 r. close the loops according to the drawing. Sew in the sleeves. Sew buttons.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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