Pullover with an openwork pattern of “bumps”
Непринужденный пуловер с широким вырезом горловины, приспущенными проймами и свободными рукавами связан спицами ажурным узором из «шишечек».
Mohair pullover with two-tone leaf pattern
Роскошный мягкий пуловер связан двухцветным узором из «Листьев» из мохера с шелком.
Short patterned blouse
Short patterned blouse
Knitted pullover from multi-colored motifs
The focus is on unusual combinations of patterns in muted colors. The middle part, made of squares, is crocheted on both sides with decorative patterns.
Raglan pullover with openwork braids
Raglan pullover with openwork braids
Gray-beige pullover with braid pattern
This casual pullover is knitted with an intricate braid pattern in the form of an openwork lattice made of wool yarn and cashmere.
Openwork pullover
Openwork crochet pullover with pineapples
Knitted pullover made of squares
If you combine fancy section-dyed yarn and eternally youthful “granny squares” in one model, you will get a wonderful pullover with a thoughtful arrangement of details.
Pullover with openwork pattern
Великолепный узор этого пуловера сделает честь вашему мастерству и привлечет восхищенные взгляды окружающих.
White lace pullover
White pullover with pineapple pattern
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with openwork pattern
Свободный пуловер с воздушной структурой создает ощущение беззаботности. Он принадлежит к тем универсальным моделям, которые идеальны для комбинирования и настолько удобны, что их не хочется снимать.
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