Туника «Белый туман» в технике пэчворк
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Knitting ideas, Dresses, tunics, suits, Loin Knitting

Туника «Белый туман» в технике пэчворк

fillet knitting

Туника «Белый туман»в технике пэчворк.

Recommended yarn: Anna 16 (100g/530m)

Clover hook No. 1

Yarn consumption: 600 g

Белой пряжи — 3.5 моточка, голубой около 2-х.

Size 60.

Длина туники — 80см.

This post contains a detailed description of knitting colored fragments into the main fabric of the tunic, knitting the hanging corners of the tunic (if such are suggested by the style of the product), as well as two links to MK on constructing a product pattern according to the fillet pattern, and a detailed explanation of the procedure for making the product using the fillet technique. Valentina Dyachenko.

Worth a look:

«Как построить выкройку по филейному рисунку.
МК от Валентины Дьяченко»

You can view and study in detail the tutorial on knitting products using the fillet technique, which is offered by Valentina Dyachenko here:

Филейное платье «Лен»

The detailed MK of Valentina Dyachenko somewhat helps to understand how to knit insert fragments into fillet fabric.

The calculation of the required number of cells (as well as the number of VPs to start knitting) is described in detail in the post, which can be accessed via the previous link.

We tie the beginning with a thread of the main color:

fillet knitting

Основная нить остаётся всегда с правой стороны, в данном случае — белая. Привязываем цветную нить в нужном месте и начинаем вязать узор, который понравился, как вставной фрагмент. В предлагаемом примере фрагмент «Роза» имеет в высоту 26 рядов (должно быть чётное количество клеток в высоту, чтобы нитка вернулась на ту сторону изделия, с которой начали вязать)​. В данном примере вяжем розу по этой схеме:

fillet knitting

They tied a red thread and began to knit a fragment with a rose:

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fillet knitting

After the snippet is finished:

fillet knitting

We cut the thread and carefully hide it with a needle like this:

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After steaming the fragment, this place cannot be found at all. It is recommended to hide the threads when you already know for sure that you won’t have to retie.

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Now the most important thing in Patchwork: how to continue knitting with the main thread after completing the knitting of the fragment. Or in other words, embedding a fragment.​

Scheme for tying the insert fragment with the main thread:

fillet knitting

The diagram, in my opinion, does not provide an accurate understanding of how to correctly attach the main thread to a colored fragment.

But a large number of photographs taken by Valentina Dyachenko at each stage of this process complement the picture. Many thanks to the master!

fillet knitting

There is now one loop on the hook. Next: ​2 ch​ and insert the hook into the next dc of the colored fragment, knit in 1 single loop. That is, we go up along the edge of the fragment.

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Now we turn the work so that it is convenient to knit in the opposite direction, with a fillet mesh in this case. ​And we repeat all the steps described above.

fillet knitting

After we have finished tying the fragment with the main fabric, we continue to knit the entire row with the main thread according to the pattern.

fillet knitting

Or we knit other fragments, checking the tunic diagram. Here is an example of the arrangement of colored fragments of another tunic:

fillet knitting

What else do you need to know to knit this tunic? Of course, knitting the corners of the tunic if you want them to sag at the sides of the tunic.

Knitting the corner of the tunic

The corner can be knitted directly from the armhole or from the waist if desired.​

      There is only one principle: 1) tie a thread at the beginning of the hem of the back or front (it doesn’t matter); 2) we knit according to the pattern to our corner (to the armhole or to the waist) without knitting 3 squares; 3) we start without VP, immediately knit without finishing 1/2/3 cells on one side and 1/2/3 cells on the other side; 4) knit 3+3+1, the first loop on the hook into one loop.

      Photos demonstrate the step-by-step implementation of this process:

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting

This is how we knit our trapezoid in rotating rows. If you want a long angle. Then we knit 2 squares together.

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Next, another method is proposed, the author of which is Tatyana Sopova.

fillet knitting

So, we tie a thread in the middle behind the CH.  

1 ряд — 3СН,  2ВП, привязываю во 2 клетку в СН, поворачиваю работу и в обратную сторону вяжу 2 ряд -2ВП , ​СН 1ВП СН 1ВП СН 2ВП привязываю во 2 клетку СН. Поворачиваем работу и вяже в обратную сторону. 3 ряд — 2ВП СН , 2ВП СН 2ВП СН 2ВП СН привязываем во 2 клетку В СН. , 4 ряд как 1.  Показываю на фото поэтапно.

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting

We repeat this until the end of our shelf and back, until all the cells are finished.  

 Now let's move on to the series of photographs that Valentina Dyachenko offers as MK on this tunic.

fillet knitting

Рекомендуемая пряжа для туники «Белый туман» Анна 16

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fillet knitting

Below are a few photos showing how inserts of a different color are arranged:

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting

Schemes of used and recommended patterns:

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting


fillet knitting


fillet knitting

Decreasing (narrowing the sleeves), one of the ways:

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting

Hem and sleeves (banding)

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fillet knitting
fillet knitting

Neck strap

1 Row RLS,

2 Row CH,

Row 3 CH 2 VP CH 2 VP etc. to the end of the row.  

4 row CH 2 VP, CH, 1 VP (5 unfinished CH with one tip), 1 VP CH. so until the end of the row. 5 row sc.

fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting
fillet knitting

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